fokus ! focus !
Thursday, December 15 @ 8:42:00 PM | 0 Comment [s]

hey , nak tau tak ? kyna dah deactive-kan acc facebook kyna :'( kenape ? hurm , aku rase korang pon tau kenape . yelaa , facebook sekarangkan boring . macam bengong je log in facebook tu -,- lagi satu ,, aku nak fokus kat study lah . poyo tak ? :b

ape ? kalau ade facebook pon boleh study ? memey lah , tapi aku tak buleh . selagi acc tu tak deactive-kan , selagi tu lah aku asyik nak online je . so , sekarang ni , aku just ade twitter and blog tersayang ni je :)

haa~ ape lagi , meyh lah follow twitter aku :) @kynakynot

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Assalammualaikum and Hello. Just call me Kyna. First cry on 5Sept. 19 years old. This is my life. And i love it. Diploma in science :)

be a better muslim ✿
happy family ت
lose weight ➘
I phongg ✆
BFF ☺☻
prince charming ♥♡
fly all over the world ✈✈✈